Моды на майнкрафт assassins creed.

Приготовьтесь стать профессиональным убийцей из популярной серии игр «Assassin’s Creed». Новый мод на ассасина для Майнкрафт 1.8, скачать который можно на данной странице, содержит множество разнообразных видов оружия, брони, мобов и новых элементов геймплея.

Скрывающийся в тени и внезапно атакующие противника скрытым клинком. Установив мод на ассасина AssassinCraft 1.8 для Minecraft, каждый игрок сможет побывать в роли главного героя одной из игр огромной вселенной AC. Сражайтесь с мобами, используя новые виды атак при помощи необычного оружия. Разыскивайте гробницы, и добывайте сокровища. Совершенствуйте мастерство ассасина и создавайте в Майнкрафте разнообразные костюмы.

Модификация Assassins Craft не ограничивается гардеробом главных героев игр в виде десятка видов брони. Помимо легендарных мечей, скрытых клинков и топоров, можно скрафтить арбалет, метательные бомбы, крюк, шприцы с ядом и многое другое. С модом на ассасинов появилась возможность незаметно выводить врагов из строя, подкравшись к ним со спины. Игрокам предстоит сражаться с наёмниками, что охраняют сокровищницы, лучниками и стражниками. Из дружелюбных мобов в Minecraft появилась случайно генерирующаяся лавка с кузнецом и обыкновенный лесной олень.

Нововведения отлично разнообразят игровой процесс и добавляют интересные возможности, радуя поклонников знакомыми предметами. Если вам полюбилась вселенная «Assassin’s Creed», то рекомендуется изучить и скачать мод на ассасина для Майнкрафт 1.8.

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AssassinCraft Mod 1.8/1.7.10 (Assassin’s Creed Mod)

Author: castielq ❘ October 28, 2017 ❘ 736,977 views

AssassinCraft Mod is a mod based on the action/adventure game Assasin’s Creed (most notably Brotherhood). Play as the legendary Ezio Auditore de Firenze, having all the equipments ranging from his Sword to the cloak that he wears. This mod will allow you to be in the world where lying, deceiving, and cheating value more than anything else! With new features which include crossbow firing at an incredibly fast and effective rate, you will certainly have a mod to enjoy for a long time yet.

This mod adds many new weapons such as: Tomahawk, Crossbow, Dagger, Hidden Blade and many more.



  • Tomahawk – You can throw it, if you attack as melee it have same damage as iron sword. You can throw it into the leaves and it will destroy them.
  • Ledge – Not working atm, but its a block that you can climb on.
  • Bomb Crafting Table – Not working atm, but its a block that you can craft bombs in it. Insted of this block you have now Bomb Crafting Stick only temporary ( and this stick works only in creative mod and only few bombs are working )
  • Apple Of Eden – Not working atm, but its a powerfull weapon for killing mobs all around you. Right-click and all mobs that are in 10-15 block area will die instantly.
  • Hiddenblade – You can assassinate mobs with 1 hit from behind or if you fight from the front it have same damage as iron sword but not sure. You can retract it if you right-click.
  • Hiddengun – You can shoot with the gun it will probably kill every mob with one hit, amunition are bullets. If you fight same damage as Hiddenblade. You can retract it if you hold shift and then right click.
  • Hookblade – You can climb on blocks just right-click on it. If you right-click on mob you will make damage and jump forward. If you fight normally on left-click same damage as iron sword. You can retract it if you hold shift and then right click.
  • Rifle – Also known as Firearms, amunition are bullets. Hold right-click to shoot.
  • Florin – Its a money and you can buy items with it from npcs. You can get it by killing mobs or in chests in the npc houses.
  • Altairs Sword – At the moment this is the most powerfull weapon it will kill everything in 1 hit.Melted Iron – Material, you can use it in crafting.
  • Refined Iron – Material, you can use it in crafting.
  • Refined Ironbar – Material, you can use it in crafting.
  • Powerstick – Item that can be used to change weather and give your self 1000 florin/money.
  • Hammer – Material, you can use it in crafting.
  • Canon Ball – Amunition for Canon.
  • Canon – Not working atm, You can place it on the ground and then right-click on it to control it. You will need 1.gun powder and 2.canon ball to fill it and then click on canon right-click and aim where ever you want then it will shoot, and do the following steps to shoot again and again.
  • Wheel – Material, you can use it in crafting.
  • Barrel – Material, you can use it in crafting.
  • Duel Wield Hiddenblade -You can assassinate mobs with 1 hit from behind or if you fight from the front it have same damage as iron sword but not sure. You can retract it if you right-click.
  • Duel Wield Hookblade – You can climb on blocks just right-click on it. If you right-click on mob you will make damage and jump forward. If you fight normally on left-click same damage as iron sword. You can retract it if you hold shift and then right click.
  • Duel Wield Hiddengun – You can shoot with the gun it will probably kill every mob with one hit, amunition are bullets. If you fight same damage as Hiddenblade. You can retract it if you hold shift and then right click.
  • Smoke Bomb – You can throw it, if the mobs are attacking you and you throw smoke bomb close to them they will stop attacking/following you.
  • Altair’s Armor – Same as diamond armor. ( Armor will be changed soon )
  • Ezio Armor – Same as diamond armor. ( Armor will be changed soon )
  • Ezio Revelations Armor – Same as diamond armor. ( Armor will be changed soon )
  • Connor Kenway Armor – Same as diamond armor. ( Armor will be changed soon )
  • Warhammer – Weapon that have same damage as iron/diamond sword.
  • Handle – Material, you can use it in crafting.
  • Warhammer Top – Material, you can use it in crafting.
  • Codex Page – Material, you can use it in crafting.
  • Codedx Chapter – Material, you can use it in crafting.
  • Codex – You can use it to learn citizens ( right-click on them ) and they turn into assassins.
  • Gun – Material, you can use it in crafting.
  • Bullet – Amunition for Rifle( Firearms ) and Hiddengun.
  • Throwingknife – You can throw it and it will deal damage.
  • Medicine – It will heal you ( don’t know for how much ).
  • Raw Deer Meat – If you eat it you will get 1 hunger bar up but poison for 2 seconds. You can also cook it.
  • Cooked Deer Meat – If you eat it you will get 1 hunger bar up and few seconds of health regeneration. ( not sure how much hunger bars you get up )
  • Poison – You can throw it and the mob that is hit it will be poisoned and probably die in some time. ( not sure if the mob will die, you will need to throw few poisons )
  • Crossbow – Same as Bow but it deals more damage.
  • Crossbow Bolt – Amunition for Crossbow.
  • Dagger – Its a weapon that does same damage as iron sword. If you have throwingknifes in your inventory then you can right-click and it will throw them.
  • Knife – Its a weapon that does same damage as iron sword. If you have throwingknifes in your inventory then you can right-click and it will throw them.
  • Stiletto – Its a weapon that does same damage as iron sword. If you have throwingknifes in your inventory then you can right-click and it will throw them.
  • Bone Dagger of Romulus – Its a weapon that does same damage as iron sword. If you have throwingknifes in your inventory then you can right-click and it will throw them.
  • Channeled Cinquedea – Its a weapon that does same damage as iron sword. If you have throwingknifes in your inventory then you can right-click and it will throw them.
  • Sultans Knife – Its a weapon that does same damage as iron sword. If you have throwingknifes in your inventory then you can right-click and it will throw them.
  • Butcher Knife – Its a weapon that does same damage as iron sword. If you have throwingknifes in your inventory then you can right-click and it will throw them.
  • Notched Cinquedea – Its a weapon that does same damage as iron sword. If you have throwingknifes in your inventory then you can right-click and it will throw them.
  • Syringe Container – Its a weapon that does same damage as iron sword. If you have throwingknifes in your inventory then you can right-click and it will throw them.
  • Needle – Material, you can use it in crafting.
  • Syringe – Material, you can use it in crafting.
  • Bomb – You can craft them by using Bomb Crafting Table.
  • Horse Saddle – You can use it on the Horse. ( deleted at c110f version, it have no use there is no horse yet )

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  • Lightguard – Normal guard, that will attack you if your reputations is to high. ( need to be done some work on reputation )
  • Archer -Archer will attack you if your reputations is to high, aslo if your climbing in the engine movement they will attack you. ( need to be done some work on reputation, and engine movement need to be fixed )
  • Heavyguard – The strongest guard, that will attack you if your reputations is to high. ( need to be done some work on reputation )
  • Assassin – You can learn them a Codex and they will fight with you everywhere. ( If you play Assassin’s Creed then you should know what they do ) ( Bugged in c110f, will be fixed soon )
  • Blacksmith – You can buy weapons, armor and much more from this npc. To buy them you need Florin.
  • LeonardodaVinci – You need to bring Codex Chapters to him so he can make you hidden weapons. ( soon this will be changed )
  • Doctor – From this npc you can heal your self and buy a medicine and poison. To buy them you need Florin.
  • Thief – You need to have florin in your inventory and right-click him and you will hire him. He will follow you and kill guards. ( not working properly at the moment )
  • Citizen – This guy is a Citizen. You can steal florin from them, just right-click them from behind and there you go you stole your florin. Also they can be killed ( but in future this will be changed if you will kill a citizen you will lose somting or die, still in editing )
  • General – The leader of guards, that will attack you if your reputations is to high. ( need to be done some work on reputation )
  • Herald – This npc will speak bad words about assassins if your reputation is to high, you can pay him and your reputation will be gone, aslo he will speak some weird things.
  • Wolves – Wolves as you know them from Assassin’s Creed 3, they will attack you and also they will hunt down the Deer.
  • Deer – Deer is an animal that will move around and run. If your to close to them they will start runing. ( its a female version of deer )
  • MainDeer – MainDeer is a male version of deer and its a leader of the deers, the female deers will follow him everywhere unless wolves starts hunting them down, when this happens they will just run everywhere just to get away from wolves.
  • Horse – Not yet done, but its simple animal that you can ride. In future there will be few things that you can do, like jump and kill the guard…

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Мод Assassins Creed 1.9

Мод Assassins Creed добавит новый сценарий для ролевых игр и кучу доспехов и оружия из одноименной игры в Майнкрафт Бедрок Эдишн. Мы действуем во тьме, но служим свету… А ты заточил свои скрытые клинки?

Как работает мод Assassins Creed

Ты получишь три набора новых доспехов для Майнкрафт на Андроид: тамплиерскую броню и два варианта ассасинской. Текстуры и модели вещей тебя приятно удивят, и ты сразу поймешь, что не зря решил скачать мод Assassins Creed.

Также мод добавляет оружие в Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Три разных клинка, тут уже выбирай на свой вкус. Кроме того, как уже говорилось, в Майнкрафт на планшет тебя ждет ролевая игра! Участники должны разделиться на команды в Minecraft BE: тамплиеры и ассасины. Каждая фракция носит соответствующую броню, чтобы в игре легко было отличить союзников от противников (не жульничать!).

Цель тамплиеров в MCPE – построить форт, а тем временем ассасины должны атаковать его и убить генерала (главного тамплиера). Играть можно с друзьями или же против мобов.

На данный момент поддерживается только последняя полная версия игры, учитывай этот факт, чтобы мод Assassins Creed работал. И не забудь установить оба файла, иначе не будут отображаться текстуры или мобы-тамплиеры не получат сценарий поведения. Да, там есть и такое. В остальном – приятной игры, и не забывай про кредо ассасинов и свой долг перед братством!


  • Скачай мод по ссылке ниже.
  • Запусти скаченный мод.
  • Предварительным действием ты импортировал файлы в Майнкрафт на телефон.
  • Запусти Minecraft на Android, а далее открой настройки мира.
  • Выбери импортированный мод.
  • Перезапусти игровой клиент MCPE, затем войди в мир для которого ты установил мод.
  • Наслаждайся установленным модом!
  • Скачай мод ниже.
  • Извлеки файлы из архива.
  • Папку с модом перемести в ‘behavior_packs‘.
  • Запусти игровой клиент Minecraft, далее открой настройки мира.
  • Выбери импортированный мод.



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